University of Warwick Tuition Fees

Master of Public Health

Tuition FeesMsc (180 CATS)PGDip (120 CATS)PGCert (60 CATS)
£3,300 per 60 CATS£9,900£6,600£3,300
Upfront Payment* (Pay all fees prior to commencement)£1,300£800none
Payment by Semester (Fees paid in 2 x instalments for the PGDip, or 4 x instalments for the MSc) £500£200none
Super Early Bird (Pay deposit at least 2 months prior to commencement)£500£400none
Early Bird (Pay deposit at least 1 month prior to commencement) £300£200none

*This is the maximum discount you can avail of.

Upfront Payment Schedule
Upfront Payment ScheduleFeesDeposit Instalments
Master of Science (2 years)£8,60001 x £8,600
Postgraduate Diploma (1 year)£5,80001 x £5,800
Postgraduate Certificate (6 months)£3,30001 x £3,300
Payment by Semester Schedule
Master of ScienceFeesDeposit Instalments
Super Early Bird£8,900£5004 x £2,100
Early Bird£9,100£5004 x £2,150
Standard Fees£9,400£5004 x £2,225
Postgraduate Diploma FeesDepositInstalments
Super Early Bird£6,000£5002 x £2,750
Early Bird£6,200£5002 x £2,850
Standard Fees£6,400£5002 x £2,950
Postgraduate Certificate FeesDepositInstalments
Standard Fees£3,300£5001 x £2,800

*Semester payment plans may be subject to a 3% administration charge per transaction

Monthly Payment Schedule
Master of ScienceFeesDeposit Instalments
Super Early Bird£9,400£50020 x £445
Early Bird£9,600£50020 x £455
Standard Fees£9,900£50020 x £470
Postgraduate Diploma FeesDepositInstalments
Super Early Bird£6,200£50010 x £570
Early Bird£6,400£50010 x £590
Standard Fees£6,600£50010 x £610
Postgraduate Certificate FeesDepositInstalments
Standard Fees£3,200£5005 x £540

*Monthly payment plans may be subject to a 3% administration charge per transaction

  1. A deposit is required to confirm a place - places are filled on a first come, first served basis on receipt of the deposit. 

  2. Semester Payments: PGDip fees paid in 2 x instalments, one at the start of each semester. MSc fees paid in 4 x instalments in the 1st, 5th, 9th and 13th months of the course. 

  3. First instalments are due no more than 2 weeks after course commencement.