iheed’s participation in NEXT (The Premier Clinical Trials Conference Series)

14 Mar 2024

On feb 27th, iheed were invited to participate in the NEXT city series, organised by Medidata, one of the world’s leading companies focused on technology and clinical research.

Discussion, which involved our Medical Director, Dr Kunal Patel,  focused on the need for improved training and education for clinical trial sites, especially in the context of implementing new technologies. Education, such as that with a Masters in Clinical research, is essential for strengthening health workforces and delivering safe, inclusive research.

Questions still remain in relation to how policy makers and regulation can help, but it is clear that the both the technology sector and medical education sector are highlighting the need for improved capacity and clinical research site training.

An innovative and creative event that focused on the most important topics that need an increased focus, within the clinical research sector.


14 Mar 2024