Breakfast at iheed

25 Jul 2024

In today's world of virtual working arrangements and staggered office days, we often miss out on those spontaneous 'watercooler' chats or the friendly catch-ups over a cuppa that we used to enjoy. These seemingly trivial 'How was your weekend?' conversations can significantly boost staff morale and enhance our workplace culture. 

To get back that sense of connection, iheed had an all-staff coffee morning on Tuesday where we were treated to an array of delicious pastries. It was a pleasure to have a proper, non-work-related catch-up with such a hardworking and dedicated team and we had a very special visit from Aideen.  

During this gathering, we also took the opportunity to bid farewell to our wonderful founder and CEO, Dr Tom O’Callaghan, who is stepping down from his role. Our COO, Mark Naughton, is also stepping down and joining us for a cuppa. Tom delivered a brilliant and inspiring speech, while Mark couldn’t stop talking! (that’s sarcasm. Mark is a man of few words but we love him for his brevity). Both have been integral to the DNA of iheed and will continue to support and advocate for us. It’s not a real goodbye; we know we will always keep in touch. 

Rebecca Patterson, our Director of Sales and Marketing for the past seven years, will be stepping up as General Manager, supported by Barbara Coen and Clodagh Conway. 

The adventure continues, hopefully with plenty more tasty treats and cherished friendships! 

25 Jul 2024