Dr Michael Barrett

Consultant Paediatrician

Dr Barrett is a graduate of University College Cork, NUI in 2004. He has worked in the HSE during his postgraduate Basic and Higher Specialist Training by the Faculty of Paediatrics, Royal College of Physicians, Ireland. During this time he was a Special Lecturer in Paediatrics contributing to the advancement of Centre for Child Health Research, University College Dublin and he oversees our professional diploma in Paediatrics course. He completed his training with pre and post CCST Fellowship in Paediatric Emergency Medicine at Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne, Australia. He was appointed to the position of Consultant to the Department of Paediatric Emergency Medicine, OLCHC, Dublin in 2015 and returned to Ireland. He was made a Fellow of Faculty of Paediatrics in 2017 and, in 2018, was made Associate Clinical Professor in UCD School of Medicine.

From 2019-2020 was appointed on the Governance Board of the National Office of Clinical Audit as a representative of the Faculty of Paediatrics, RCPI. He was interim Chair of Drugs and Therapeutics in CHI at Crumlin in 2019. He was appointed Chair of the National Paediatric Mortality Register, NOCA in 2019. In 2021 he was invited to the executive committee of PERUKI as a regional representative for Ireland. Member of the In4Kids: Irish Network for Children's Clinical Research. Research Lead for the Paediatric Emergency Research Ireland (PERI) group in Children's Health Ireland.

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Michael Barrett