Aisha Janjua

Consultant Obstetrician

Dr Aisha Janjua (FRCOG MD MMedEd MBBS BMedSci) has been a Consultant Obstetrician in the West Midlands, UK over 5 years. She has worked as a Clinical Teaching Fellow and Honorary Clinical Lecturer at Birmingham Women’s Hospital. She is currently working at Birmingham Women’s Hospital with a focus on labour ward, maternal medicine and antenatal care. She is the Lead for Diabetes in Pregnancy and is responsible for the pre-pregnancy, antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal care of over 800 women annually. She is trained in Quality Improvement.

She has developed teaching activities for University of Birmingham final year medical students on O&G block, as well as ERASMUS students. She has revised and peer reviewed RCOG StratOG E-learning modules, as well as e-learning for the University of Birmingham. She has been a course facilitator for the RCOG Basic Practical Surgical Skills course since 2014, and is a Contributor for the book “Application to Specialty Training” by Oxford Press, and a Co-Editor for the Oxford Handbook for Medical School with Oxford University Press (published April 2019).  She worked for seven years on GMC Curriculum Advisory Committee and is now involved nationally as the RCOG Editor-in-Chief for Obstetrics for the E-Learning platform.

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Aisja Janjua